
A model of a high-rise hospital placed on a smartphone screen. 3D illustration.
Healthcare facilities are living, breathing buildings in a permanent state of flux. As they absorb and react to the needs of their clientele, they transform into a jigsaw of new and old — each wing, zone, and floor different from the last. The necessary fluidity of healthcare campuses makes wayfinding systems tricky to implement and...
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A parking stall reserved for people with disabilities.
When you think of accessible parking, what do you see? You’re likely envisioning something like the image above: extra-wide spaces that prominently display the international accessibility icon, with a wheelchair-friendly, sloped curb nearby. But in 2018, maybe it’s time to expand our understanding of what makes parking “accessible.” How, for example, do traditional handicap parking...
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A doctor placing his hand on the shoulder of a smiling older man.
In a consumerist age fueled by robotic automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and disruptive apps, the tipping point for consumer loyalty remains the same as it ever was — customer service. Customer service has traditionally been a muted priority for healthcare providers, with patient care quite rightly taking precedence. But as quality of experience...
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A woman with a blanket around her shoulders blowing her nose with a tissue.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a prevalent, yet often preventable, threat to patient safety. In fact, as you’re reading this, a staggering one in 25 hospital patients has fallen victim to one or more HAIs, in a battle that costs an estimated $10 billion a year in the U.S. alone. For healthcare providers to effectively combat...
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